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The Kite Runner: The power of Societies Teachings and Guilt

Through a reader response point of view we see that in the Kite Runner, Amir tends to act out and make decisions based on society standards as well as guilt. If you have seen my previous  post, then you might have an idea on why you are here reading this post today. The reason why you are here for those who have not but should check my previous post is because you will be seeing a piece of my English culminating assignment which is a portfolio of different  forms of media texts and an essay. The goal for this blog is to prove the thesis that you first read at the top of this post. Amir is the main character of the Kite Runner and is also the narrator, so this is why the thesis ties directly to him as we see a lot of what he does throughout his entire life. To start our journey with him we must first learn where he comes from and who taught him. Amir grew up in a home with his father, a boy named Hassan, and his father who was the servant to Amir and his father. Ami...

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