Hamlet: Am I Like Hamlet?

I am a grade 12 student and like many others I have had to watch and read some sort of play by Shakespeare at least once a year since grade 9. This year I had to watch Hamlet, this was my first time watching Hamlet and I have never heard of any stories of it, compared to Romeo and Juliet where I heard many things about it and pretty much knew everything about it. So with this play I did not know what to expect other than the old English and someone dying for something.

But I'm not here to explain to you what happened in this play, you can watch it yourself and enjoy some Shakespeare. What I'm going to do is compare myself to the protagonist of this play which is Hamlet, and is also the guy shown above in the picture.

So the picture shown above is taken of a scene with Hamlet and Polonius. I like this part as it really stood out to me and showed one of the sides to Hamlet's personality. Here Polonius asks Hamlet a simple question of "Do you know me my Lord?" and Hamlet replies with "Excellent well. You are a fishmonger." Not only does he say this, he then answers every question with sarcasm. Then when Polonius questions Hamlet about what he is reading. Hamlet continues to read out to Polonius with the sarcastic tone while making fun of Polonius and saying things that are not in the book.
Now from this part here you can tell that Hamlet is a funny guy and was able to use sarcasm well. So in that sense I could compare myself to him as I can be very sarcastic with my friends in a funny and friendly way but the part that is different from Hamlet and I is that I would never do that to someone older than me or disrespect them like the way he did to Polonius which is wrong.
Another thing that is really different between Hamlet and I is our decision making and the way we act. Hamlet makes rash decisions and always lets his emotions take over in his decisions. An example would be the picture above where he kills Polonius. In this scene we see a perfect example of Hamlet's emotions taking control over him. In this scene he is arguing with his mother and as soon as he hears someone calling for help and he say's "What’s this, a rat? I’ll bet a buck he’s a dead rat now." That quote right there shows Hamlet being caught in the heat of the moment and making a rash decision such as killing someone he couldn't even see. But with me I would never make rash decisions or let my emotions get to me, I will always think my decisions through logically so that I make the right one and not one out of emotions. So that my take on how I compare myself to Hamlet. What's yours? Are you sarcastic and make rash decisions like he does? or do you think your way through decisions instead?


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